For September - July, Our Tuition and Fees are as follows:
Acro Dance Academy Only | $300/ Month / $250 (RETURNING STUDENTS)
LEVEL I / IA / II/ IIA Ballet and West African | $300/ Month / $250 (RETURNING STUDENTS)
LEVEL I / IA / II / IIA Ballet, West African, HIP-HOP | $400/ Month / $350 (RETURNING STUDENTS)
LEVEL IIB / IIC / III / IIIA Ballet, West African, Modern | $400/ Month / $350 (RET. STUDENTS)
LEVEL IIB / IIC / III / IIIA Ballet, West African, Modern, Acro/Hip-Hop | $500/ Month / $450 (RET. STUDENTS)
Yearly and Sibling discounts Avail! Email Director@abundancearts.org for assistance.
Please Note: Ballet and West African (REQUIRED FOR ALL). NO SUBSTITUTIONS ALLOWED.
All accounts with AbunDance Academy have one primary account holder. This is the account holder that registers and signs the registration form. This account holder will be the one considered financially responsible for the account.
Registration for the AbunDance Elite training program is for the ENTIRE teaching year. In accepting their invitation for admission, families are committing to a full-year contract, payable as a single or monthly installment as outlined above. A non-refundable, registration fee of $100 is due before enrolling NEW students for classes and $75 Registration Fee for Returning students)
When families opt for monthly installments, tuition is charged on the FIRST of every month. You will not receive a bill prior to the due date of tuition.
Family discounts described in the Tuition Schedule are for Immediate Families Only. AbunDance Academy will have the final decision regarding family discount eligibility. Payments will always be applied to outstanding balances first before being applied to current or future charges.
All payments to AbunDance Academy of the Arts must be CASHLESS and CONTACTLESS. All registered families are required to place a VALID debit or credit card on file from which all tuition and fees will be automatically deducted on a monthly or annual basis, as agreed upon registration. Families are free to update the payment method in their account at any time as needed. Payments for purchases and other ad hoc fees may be submitted onsite, using contactless payments or via telephone. AbunDance staff will not accept CASH, CHECK, MONEY ORDER or any other physical forms of payment, nor will they physically handle the debit/credit card of onsite customers.
Individual Credit Card payments will accrue a 4% processing fee. Recurring Credit Card Payments for our Monthly Packages and Class Cards do not incur extra fees. Class purchases are valid through the expiration date.
All payments and sales are final. There are no substitutions, exchanges or refunds.
A late fee of $50.00 will be assessed for payments over five business days past due. Following the initial charge for late payment, accounts will continue to accrue late fees at the rate of $30 per week, until late payments are settled. Late notices will be emailed to all past due accounts. If payment is past due students will not be permitted to attend class.
AbunDance Academy reserves the right to refuse orders and/or withhold merchandise/costumes for past due accounts until the account balance is paid. Delinquent accounts will be forwarded to a collection agency and any costs or legal fees will be the responsibility of the account holder to reimburse.
All withdrawal requests must be submitted in writing to info@abundancearts.org or mailed to AbunDance Academy of the Arts, Inc., 90 Sullivan Place, Brooklyn, NY 11225. An acknowledgment of receipt will be sent via the method of the original communication.
Upon withdrawal, tuition for the full teaching year remains due, and becomes due in-full. Arrangements for continued monthly payments or other installment plans may be made with AbunDance, and an invoice outlining that agreement will be sent to withdrawing families for their record. Unless otherwise arranged, such payments will continue to be charged to the debit/credit card on file.
Participation in the AbunDance Elite training program requires adherence to the program's uniform policy. Such compliance will encourage the discipline and mindfulness required to instill a strong foundation that prepares our children for excellence in the Arts and in Life! Appropriate dance attire encourages freedom of movement and allows the teacher to see the student’s alignment and make corrections as necessary - a key element to improvement. Uniformity reduces possible distraction for both the students and instructors allowing for a more focused teaching and learning environment.
All students have a uniform based on their class level. All students must wear their perspective uniforms for each and every class. Below you will find the list of items required. Uniform items+ MUST be purchased at the AbunDance Boutique, via online or telephone transaction, or onsite by appointment only . Items will be available for pickup by appointment during designated times. Please leave one to two weeks of time after you have placed your order to receive the items.

No street shoes are allowed on the studio floor. Sneakers used for AbunDance classes are expected to be dedicated to the purpose of dance performance and not utilized for everyday wear.
A schedule of costs is as follows:
Leotards - $30 (Children sizes) | $35 (Adult sizes)
Tights - $20 (Children sizes) | $25 (Adult sizes)
Ballet Slippers - $25 (Children sizes) | $35 (Adult sizes)
African Lapa - $20 (Children sizes) | $30 (Adult sizes)
AbunDance T-Shirts - $20 (Children sizes) | $25 (Adult sizes)
Students supplies should be clearly labeled with their names to avoid mix-ups and loss. Students are not permitted to wear additional pieces of clothing, during class, beyond the assigned uniform. As such, sweaters, overshirts, and headscarves are not permitted during class. Students with minor injuries may wear close-fitting leg warmers (beige/brown for girls, black for boys) at barre only.